About Me

Education has always been a crucial part of my life.  My family instilled in me a love for learning from a young age.  I graduated from Northfield High School in 1997 and St. John's University in 2001 with a B.A. in social science and secondary education.  In 2005, I graduated from St. Mary's University with a M. Ed in teaching and learning; a few years later, I also earned a certificate in gifted and talented education.  I do my best to learn each day.  I am passionate about helping young people develop into independent learners and active citizens.  

I have had the good fortune to work in the New Prague school district since the 2002-2003 school year, and I am very proud to be a part of this organization and community.  I have taught social studies at the middle school, including all three grade levels, during that time.  Currently, I teach 7th grade US history.  I love the social sciences, and I believe they are an excellent vehicle for teaching lessons that will help us become better people and build a better world.  In addition to teaching, I also coach both cross country and track at the high school level.  I look forward each year to having the opportunity to work with another group of young people.

My wife Laura and I make our home in New Prague along with our three boys: Alex, Sam, and Ben.